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DEMON dance (Oct 2024)
We are back... with something a little ghoulish yet sophisticated to the spirit of our favorite holiday and in the unique style that only DANCERS and CHOREOGRAPHERS can conjure up. Confronting our demons and dancing through our personal and global issues this month.
What a great way to TREAT yourself with dancefilm, in your favorite costume, while waiting to TRICK the neighborhood girls, ghosties and cuties.
PAUSE… I hear a knock at my door…
Muted - CHROME (July 2024)
A color palette adds to the mood and design, makes a statement or tells a story. A key ingredient in any dance film. This month we celebrate dance filmmakers who use this tool well. Muted tones or mono-chrome and everything in between, let’s investigate how color informs our experience and the movement in our heARTs when consuming ART with a language unfolding in choreography on screen.
DANCE Class ‘24 (May 2024)
With the guidance of their mentors and teachers, students are finding their big voices on tiny screens, practicing comp class on big screens and teachers are using the student body to illustrate the embodied camera. Using editing as an extension of the choreographic process. Vice versa, mix ‘em up, chance, experimental and sometimes orderly depending on the work. Introducing the future of DANCE Film.
Loneliness (February 2024)
Have we gotten used to Loneliness? Are we more connected? Or is there a great need to disconnect?
Performance ART (November 2023)
The most natural thing is for movement to be incorporated into Performance ART. Is it dance, is it art, is it atmospheric or presentational? You be the judge. It could just be undefinable and experiential. “…and its where the most profound transformation happens” – Tony C. Johnson
The Future (October 2023)
Dancing into the future… What is it going to look like? Dance meditations with a futuristic feel.
everyday HEROES (September 2023)
We believe the only way to sustainably make positive changes on this planet is through our ARTISTS.
Rogue Dancer celebrates the extraordinary in the ordinary this month. The HEROES in our everyday lives we may or may not take for granted. Those brave enough to address the needs of the people around them, care for our bodies and minds and teach by example how to live in the world we live in today. Everyday HEROES… we see you.
YOUtopia (July 2023)
Do we owe it to our loved ones to become the most evolved version of ourselves?
You are the center of your own universe, where do you fit into the rest of the cosmos? What is the value of your interactions in solo and communion? Internal and external? How do we process the rest of the world from inside our own body and mind?
Uniquely, exceptionally and hopefully deeply. This month meditate with our DANCE filmmakers on concepts revolving around YOUtopia.
tExtUrE (June 2023)
Texture exists in visual images, sound waves, touch, taste, in physical sensation and movement. Close your eyes and let’s take a moment to acknowledge all the texture emanating from within… Now let’s do it again with our eyes open. It is everywhere.
“In the visual arts, texture is the perceived surface quality of a work of art... Our experience of texture in visual art relies on our experience with the physical world.” – Unknown
This month, in tune with the textures we are emersed in through a choreographer’s lens.
FEELz (March 2023)
There are times you just don't know how to express the rumblings of the heart, the nagging of thought with no words, the tantrum, the happy (or was it a sad tear). Sometimes it is all too overwhelming to sort and pride and joy are difficult to contain. It's confusing to untangle whether you should say something or keep it to yourself. Feelings are hard to grow, nurture and mature but worth the time. Ironic to try and tame an infant when the child inside just wants to curl up in a ball or jump off a swing with a death-defying arch.
Join us this month as we explore moving through the FEELz.
2 Close (January 2023)
It has been a long road since that time we thought everything was alright and safe. Politics forgetting its public service, pandemic, war, depressed teens, no touching, no smiling, trying to identify people by their eyebrows, isolating, dysfunctional bi-solating, comfy TV watching pants all the time and no live DANCE class. As we learn how to people again and feel normal… everything is still 2 Close. The healing process requires the vulnerability of opening our hearts again.
Always a DANCER(November 2022)
Once a DANCER, Always a DANCER… from first steps to dying breaths, life is in all the nano-seconds in between.
DREAMstate (October 2022)
Our imaginations are wondrous things. We embrace the strange and the bizarre illustrating impossible actions, accomplishments and relationships. The processing of worries and challenges when our mind is at rest. This Halloween season we are celebrating “The ODD”, dancing scenarios we conjure up in the deep recesses of our subconscious. DREAMstate.
Born THIS Way (September 2022)
We are, who we are, from the inside out. Our own particular recipe of genes, chemistry and social experiences, map out our identity, who we love, how we process trauma and sometimes just how we dress. To be unapologetic about our true identity is vulnerable and brave. ‘Born THIS Way’ is a, fly on the wall, perspective on DanceFilm Artists addressing the great expansive exploration of SELF.
Must B Sed (August 2022)
There are some who believe that messages spoken through the arts are the only way to change the world. Dancers, choreographers & filmmakers, through sound, images & movement, tap into communication that is beyond words… hoping for pause, absorption and thought. And in that space, there is the potential for betterment and beauty in oneself and for the world.
and then… sometimes there are word too.
This month, join me in celebrating works with a message, DANCE Filmmakers with something to say.
Fleshie (July 2022)
We live our lives in our skin… wearing our heart on our proverbial sleeve. It’s what we are born in and die in. We watch its evolution as we become aware of it, learn how to care for it, find ourselves, be intimate with others, CREATE offspring, ART & age.
Our flesh can say so much across a continuum of tales and executed well it can also be a great costume.
This is a Special PATREON ONLY SCREENING. You, your friends, family and ART communities can join for $1!!!
What’s Up DOC? (June 2022)
We have been planning this theme since the beginning…
Quoting the infamous words of Bugs Bunny “What’s up Doc?”. We are moving through real stories with real people and most importantly real dancers. Join FilmFest by Rogue Dancer in celebrating the Dance Documentary.
You bet I dance! - Und ob ich tanze! Film by Lars Pape (c) 2019 GERMANY. Now - July 3, 2022
DANCE Class ’22 (May 2022)
With the guidance of their mentors and teachers, students are finding their big voices on tiny screens, practicing comp class on big screens and teachers are using the student body to illustrate the embodied camera. Using editing as an extension of the choreographic process. Vice versa, mix ‘em up, chance, experimental and sometimes orderly depending on the work. Introducing the future of DANCE Film.
Trailer HERE
ParentHOOD (April 2022)
The emotional roller coaster of developmental offerings. The unrelenting job description to work no one is prepared for. Never-ending laundry and meals. A surprising love and fierce protective instinct never imagined before. The shocking physical changes to feed and protect offspring from the outside world. There is no degree to parent.
With love, forgiveness, patience, firmness and vulnerability we make our best work.
In the STUDIO (March 2022)
The studio is our place of worship.
Its where we examined our core, trained, found love and our muses. The home away from home and in some cases, it is one and the same. The origin of our creative selves. When resources are slim, time is short, we find ourselves opportunistic with friends and space. ART still needs to be manifest, crafted into existence inside the familiar walls of the studio… the home… the home studio…
Quiet!!! (February 2022)
Although small and quiet the meaning may be deep and resonant. We believe there is value in the understated movement story, directing our attention to an undercurrent of intent and drama. Join Rogue Dancer in visiting Quiet!!! DANCE Films this month.
HERstory (January 2022)
Shifting focus to HERstory, the quiet contrivance of the female role and the experience through the feminine gaze. The mothers, sisters, partners… the struggling, yet always strong, support systems that keep the world moving… growing… nurtured… loved.
Dance NOIR (November 2021)
film noir /ˌfilm ˈnwär/ noun
a style or genre of cinematographic film marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace. The term was originally applied (by a group of French critics) to American thriller or detective films made in the period 1944–54 and to the work of directors such as Orson Welles, Fritz Lang, and Billy Wilder. a film marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace.
Can we apply it to DANCE? You be the judge…
A Lil’ Dirty (October 2021)
What does the word DIRTY mean to you? Is it a mind, schmutz on your leg, language or something a Lil’ more risqué? This month’s FilmFest by Rogue Dancer entertains all the implications of the word. Our event is split into an “innocent” half… and a “not so innocent” half, only for the adventurous DANCE lover.
TV-MA – TV Mature Audience Only This program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17.
PARTners (September 2021)
Some say we are born alone, and we die alone... But the meaning of life resides in the relationships we build and the PARTners we choose to DANCE each leg of the journey with... Filling in the negative space, Face to Face… Hand in Hand… Foot to Foot.
AMONGst the People (August 2021)
As our CITIES bustle, DANCERS hustle to carve a place in the City LANDSCAPE. Through traffic, brick, bone and muscle these artists question current events through their own Urban View.
Ball-ET-Room (July 2021)
Vocabulary, lines, dropped hips and feet. Rogue Dancer is nodding to the classics this month OR are we?... Join us in losing ourselves in Ballet and Ballroom with a twist.
URBAN View (June 2021)
As our CITIES bustle, DANCERS hustle to carve a place in the City LANDSCAPE. Through traffic, brick, bone and muscle these artists question current events through their own Urban View.
Dance 101 (May 2021)
This is graduation month and Rogue Dancer Productions is looking to the future of Dance Film. This month we are highlighting our Student Dance Filmmakers. Individuals who not only danced and choreographed through this crazy year but did it in style by pivoting to movement on the screen. They became Directors!!!
About FACE (April 2021)
In OCT. 2019 when we came up with the theme About FACE, we thought it was just a clever use of words and would open up submissions to a diverse grouping of films...18 months later seeing a person's face has a very different, deeper and emotional meaning.
LockDOWN 365 (March 2021)
In a year of COVID-19, the dancers refused to quit. Join us as we celebrate being ARTfully active and reinvention in times of great stress and change. We are proud of our Dancers and Filmmakers. Making Work work!!!
SOLO-Discovery (February 2021)
As we spend more and more time on our own, we are confronted with ourselves, finding new ways to feel joy, confront cobwebby dark corners and exploring new ways to make ART. This month is all about dancing The SELF.
L’enfant (January 2021)
In OCT. 2019 when we came up with the theme About FACE, we thought it was just a clever use of words and would open up submissions to a diverse grouping of films...18 months later seeing a person's face has a very different, deeper and emotional meaning.
OUT the Office Edition (December 2020)
Who knew a year after we determined this THEME that being "out of the office" was going to be the NORM? This month celebrating NOT being confined to a cubicle.